Strategy and vision
Hansel’s vision is to spearhead procurement reform. The company’s strategic objective is to assume a stronger role in developing government procurement and to collaborate actively with government entities.
Hansel wants to lead the way in responsible and innovative public procurement, to increase our offering in tendering consultancy services, and to develop the procurement practices. Hansel invests in customer and supplier cooperation and contractual supervision and speeding up digitalisation in its own operations and those of its customers. The sale of procurement expert services and many internal development projects have been realised faster than predicted.
CSR aspects are extensively accounted for in Hansel’s strategy and form an integral part of management. Responsibility is promoted through framework agreements by setting certain CSR-related requirements on tenders. At Hansel, corporate social responsibility primarily involves reducing environmental impacts, engaging in proper financial administration, making efficient use of resources, and improving occupational well-being of personnel, and improving customer and supplier satisfaction.
The current strategy extends to 2020. The preparation of Hansel’s new strategy began in January 2016. The strategy work consisted of customer and supplier interviews, and a personnel strategy day was arranged in April 2016, during which feedback about the strategy work was collected from personnel.
The biggest strategic development project was the Handi project concerning the digitalisation of procurements, which was launched in 2016.