Saving lives
Every day we need almost a thousand people in Finland to give blood to help in childbirth, for premature babies, operations, accident victims and the treatment of serious illnesses.
Hansel Club is for recreation, but it also has a socially responsible function: to encourage people to give blood. VeriRyhmä (BloodGroup), a group coordinated by Blood Service of the Finnish Red Cross, brings together friends or colleagues within a community and makes blood donation a communal event.
Hansel’s BloodGroup was established in summer 2016. This was an instant success, with a flood of donors already in the first six months.
Employer extending a hand
Donated blood is needed all the time during surgery, in childbirths, the treatment of cancer and other serious illnesses, for accident victims, premature babies and the elderly. Almost 1,000 donors are needed every weekday. One donation can help up to three patients.
Hansel employees may go to donate blood during working hours. The blood donation office next to the Hansel office makes this easy, and you can easily pop round for a donation during the working day.
A somewhat different coffee break
A group blood donation is a nice social event. It includes not only a basic health check but also a snack and a short break before going back to work. Some donors are afraid of needles, so a co-worker may give moral support.
Hansel’s BloodGroup donate twice a year: in spring and autumn. Some donate more frequently, within the permitted intervals.
Inspired by these good experiences, Hansel challenges not only its employees but also its customers and partners to help save lives by founding their own BloodGroups.