Structure of the Corporate Responsibility Report
The results of our work connected to corporate responsibility are presented in a Corporate Responsibility Report published annually in Finnish, Swedish and English. Hansel’s Corporate Responsibility Report has been integrated into the Annual Report. With regard to the CSR report, the Annual Report presents key information related to 2016, and interesting events and achievements with respect to CSR. The CSR relating to events in 2015 was published on 7 April 2016.
Hansel’s overall CSR picture is painted on the basis of the company strategy, by means of the CSR materiality matrix and society’s commitment to sustainability. CSR issues relevant to the work community have been dealt with in a separate section.
The corporate responsibility programme presents Hansel’s framework agreements that have been granted an environmental label and explains the grounds for granting the label. The stakeholder analysis was updated in autumn 2016, and the report discusses topical issues in more detail from the stakeholders’ viewpoint. The stakeholder analysis and the supplier survey on corporate responsibility issues was used as a basis for updating and deepening the content of the materiality matrix. Society’s commitment to sustainability, on the other hand, is a new tool, included in late 2016.
GRI guidelines compliant reporting
The structure of the report is based on the internationally approved Global Reporting Initiative GRI 4 guidelines, which were updated in 2013. As required by the GRI guidelines, the report includes a table presenting the main content of the report, as well as guidance on where the information can be found in the report.
If information is not available, this is mentioned in the table alongside an explanation for the omission. Some elements of the information are included in the financial statements.
Hansel’s corporate responsibility report is available at The report was assured by KPMG and is now, for the fourth time, published only in online format.
The report has been put together by Hansel’s Communications department together with advertising agency SST. For additional information, please contact Hansel’s communication experts:
Hani Olsson
Communications Manager
Tel. 029 4444 235
Laura Helle
Specialist in Marketing Communications
Tel. 029 4444 242