A good employer is created by joint effort
Hansel is a respected and responsible employer that offers its personnel an encouraging work community, challenging work, and opportunities for continuous professional growth.
As development projects and the amount of work has increased, Hansel has paid particular attention to dividing the work load. It is the duty of our supervisors and managers to make sure that job duties are assigned equally and all employees are treated fairly. Inappropriate conduct is not tolerated in the workplace, and any problems will be addressed immediately.
We make sure the ground rules of the work community are adhered to, and that no conflicts of interests arise regarding work duties.
Collective agreement and cooperation with employee associations
Hansel’s collective labour agreement was negotiated with Service Sector Employers PALTA and the Federation of Professional and Managerial Staff (YTN). The Agreement is valid until further notice.
The labour agreement applies to all Hansel personnel, except for the managing director. As specified in the labour agreement, personnel are represented by a workplace steward and his or her deputy, selected from amongst the staff.
The interests of the personnel are also promoted by the personnel association (Hanselin ylemmät toimihenkilöt ry), which is a member of YTN. Roughly half of Hansel’s personnel are trade union members. The collective agreement and guidelines for personnel are available on Hansel’s intranet.
Communication and management to promote well-being at work
Hansel conducts a job satisfaction survey every 18 months in order to assess the well-being of the work community. The most recent survey was conducted in autumn 2016. The results of the survey were discussed by the Executive Committee and in departmental meetings, resulting in a development plan.
The purpose of the well-being at work survey is to find out the organisation’s and work community’s strengths and to identify any changes in different sectors and also the obvious things that must be improved. The survey is part of expert support provided by employment pension company Elo. The survey response rate was more than 70%.
The company’s overall situation in terms of well-being at work seems pretty good: On a scale of 1 to 5, Hansel employees put their well-being at work at 3.7. The average in the previous survey in 2014 was 3.8.
Of the main categories, the best results were for physical wellbeing, work atmosphere and social support, opportunities provided by the employer and the balance between work and personal life. The most important development area was considered to be communication and management and supervisor work.
Work survey by occupational health care
The latest work survey by occupational health care was made in autumn 2015. The survey is carried out by occupational health care professionals.
The work survey assessed any health hazards, problems and load factors caused by work, the work environment and the work community. The survey focused especially on how these factors affect health and working capacity. The results of the work survey are mainly positive. During the year, personnel was also instructed on the use of occupational health care services and office ergonomics.
Active Hansel Club
Hansel Club organises recreation to Hansel employees and raises community spirit. The Club organises cultural and exercise events and also a summer and Christmas party, among other things. The exercise activities include floorball, ice hockey, marathons, and introductions to new sports. In the autumn of 2016, Hansel employees had a chance to try aerial acrobatics. The Club also set up a BloodGroup for Hansel employees in spring 2016 and coordinated group blood donations.
The costs of these events are partially borne by the employer. Money spent on recreation per employee in 2016 was 397 euros (314 euros in 2015).