Handi digitalises procurements
Handi, the project for digitalisation of government procurement 23 May 2016–31 December 2019
The Handi project to digitalise procurement brings together public procurement professionals to develop the state’s procurement functions.
More than ten concrete sub-projects will create visible results for the development of procurement.
The objective of digitalising government procurement is that:
- Government procurement is carried out in the proper legal way and efficiently and economically, promoting competition between suppliers.
- Procurement is simple, uniform and controlled. Placing an order is easy.
- Procurements are viewed as an end-to-end process starting from recognising the need and organising the tendering all the way to the order, payment and reporting.
- The digitalisation of procurements will support governmental procurement on the whole and those of individual agencies and result in savings.
- The automation rate of procurement has risen and manual work reduced.
- The division of work between group actors and agency actors for government procurement is clear and well-functioning.
Handi project and its sub-projects are managed by the Ministry of Finance.
Handi is a continuation of the Hanko project that ended in early 2016. This stems from a survey in 2013 on the state of government procurement, and development proposals resulting from it. The HANKO project was divided into four development areas, concerning procurement management, planning, contractual management, supplier cooperation and competence development. The project was organised by the Ministry of Finance and Hansel.
Hansel is involved in many projects
Hansel took a more active role in four Handi sub-projects in 2016:
- The procurement round began in autumn 2016 with the collection of procurement plans.
- An EU project called eNest was created to check information provided by the authorities.
- Electronic tendering was introduced into procurement. Read about Kela’s experiences.
- Sharing procurement data taught people new things across organisational boundaries.